Our Vision
We envision a vibrant, prosperous northern Chautauqua community, rich in opportunity today and tomorrow.

Our Mission
To realize our vision we focus on:
- strategic and responsive grant making
- encouraging local philanthropy and building permanent endowments for the future
- actively serving as a community leader and partner for the benefit and enrichment in our community.
Our Core Values
Our work is guided by these fundamental values and beliefs.
What Our Generous Community Has Helped Us Accomplish
Working in partnership with nonprofit organizations, donors, community members, and others, the NCCF has…
our community
grantmaking and scholarships
community prosperity
community in perpetuity
Frequently Asked Questions
A community foundation is a charitable organization dedicated to the long-term betterment of a specific geographic area. Community Foundations build permanent funds to benefit the charitable needs of a community. Individuals, businesses, families, and other organizations establish permanent endowment funds that help the community. According to the Council on Foundations, more than 900 community foundations are operating in urban and rural areas in every state in the United States. In 2021, these foundations held over $125 billion in assets and awarded approximately $12.5 billion in grants. Also in 2021, they received almost $20 billion in gifts 2021.
Established in 1986, we are a tax-exempt charitable organization dedicated to the long-term betterment of the northern Chautauqua region. Focused on community leadership, developing and supporting partnerships, local philanthropy, and strategic grantmaking, we help donors establish permanent endowment funds and contribute to existing funds. These gifts are invested, and the earnings are distributed through grants to community betterment projects, charitable organizations, or deserving individuals, allowing people of all means to make a lasting difference in their community. NCCF is a permanent force for good, served by a small staff aided by many volunteers and governed by an all-volunteer board of directors.
We connect people and resources to produce positive, sustainable change and create a higher quality of life in our community. We address the community’s most pressing needs first and continuously pursue promising opportunities to serve the local area better. As local needs change, so does our funding focus.
Everyone who lives, works or visits the northern Chautauqua community benefits from our work. Our work impacts local economic prosperity, the environment, human services, the arts, youth, seniors, and many other causes. We keep an eye on what’s happening in our community, gather resources to fix problems and prepare us for the future.
If you want to see your charitable donations making a difference right here in our community forever, the NCCF should be your charity of choice.
If you have questions or want to know more, just give us a call or send an email. We are ready to chat with you, whether in person or virtually.
Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation offers a wide range of grants, depending on the recipients’ needs and the donors’ charitable intent. Current NCCF grantmaking programs include:
- Community Grants Program supports charitable programs that address current needs and opportunities within our community. Grants awarded generally range from $1,000 to $15,000.
Letters of Interest are due March 1 and September 1 of each year.
- Service Learning Mini-Grants Program encourages middle and high school teachers in northern Chautauqua County to add a community service component to classroom learning. Grants up to $1,000 are available.
Applications are due March 31 of each year. - Live Like Luca Youth Sports Grants Program celebrates the life of Luca S. Callani by supporting WNY youth sports programs and educational opportunities for children and families in financial need. Generally, grants do not exceed
Applications are due June 1 and December 1 of each year.
- Northern Chautauqua Environmental Fund supports programs that promote local environmental education, particularly regarding Lake Erie and its watershed. Contact Eileen Ardillo, Program Coordinator, for details at 716-366-4892 or
- Lake Shore Savings Community Reinvestment Grants help fund vital programs and support local non-profit organizations within Lake Shore Savings’ service area.
Applications are due June 1 and December 1 of each year.
- DFT Communications Robert Maytum Memorial Golf Tournament Community Betterment Fund awards charitable grants within their service area.
Applications are due June 1 and December 1 of each year.
- Community Donor Advised Funds:
- Ripley Community & Heritage Fund benefits charitable organizations serving the Ripley community. Grants generally do not exceed $1,000.
- Silver Creek Irving Heritage Fund funds charitable organizations, programs, and initiatives that address the most pressing needs of the Silver Creek-Irving communities. Grants generally do not exceed $500.
- The Westfield Fund enriches the quality of life for Westfield, New York residents. Grants generally do not exceed $500.
New grantmaking programs are created as new funds are established.
Most grant programs have a separate application with specific requirements. See Helping Nonprofits for the details. Instructions and due dates for submission are also listed there.
Contact Eileen Ardillo, Program Coordinator, or Diane Hannum, Executive Director, at 716-366-4892, eardillo@nccfoundation.org, or dhannum@nccfoundation.org.
A NCCF offers a variety of options to make contributing simple and convenient! You can choose to make your gift in person, online, or by mail or wire transfer.
Online: Visit www.nccfoundation.org to quickly and easily contribute to your chosen fund.
Checks: Checks must be payable to “Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation” and can be mailed to 212 Lake Shore Drive West, Dunkirk, NY 14048. If the contribution is for a specific fund, write the fund’s name on the check’s memo line.
Estate: To leave a planned gift through your estate, talk to your insurance broker or financial advisor about including “Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation” on the Beneficiary Designation forms for your stock account, insurance policy, retirement accounts, or other assets.
To contribute stock, life insurance policies, IRA accounts, or real property, call the NCCF at 716-366-4892 and ask for Diane Hannum or Leslie Wille.
For additional information, contact the NCCF at (716) 366-4892 or nccfoundation.org.
There are many options for giving.
You can contribute cash, securities, mutual funds, life insurance policies, retirement plan accounts, or real property.
You can acknowledge a loved one’s passing by directing memorial gifts to the Permanent Memorial Fund or any other NCCF fund. You may also create a named permanent fund to accept donations made in your loved one’s name as a lasting memorial to benefit your community forever.
All gifts are acknowledged to the bereaved’s family; that individual’s name is listed in NCCF publications.
A planned gift is a contribution arranged today and given to the NCCF at a future date. Commonly donated through a will or trust, planned gifts are often granted once the donor has passed away. Planned gifts are an excellent way to ensure your wishes are followed after your death.
A named fund is established by a donor or donors and given a name of the donors’ choosing. Donor Advised Funds often bear the name(s) of their donors. Some donors use the naming opportunity to perpetuate their charitable legacy to the community.
Yes. Between 2021-2026, in celebration of the NCCF’s 35th Anniversary, the minimum to establish a named Community Fund is only $3,500. For all other fund types, the minimum is $10,000. You can take several years to build your fund to the minimum.
Yes. All funds are open-ended and can be added to by anyone at any time and in any amount.
Yes! The NCCF is a 501c3 public charity; donors qualify for the maximum available deduction for charitable contributions in the year the gift is made.
If you are over 70 ½, you can contribute up to $100,000 yearly directly from your IRA (including your required minimum distribution or RMD) to the NCCF tax-free.
The board engages professional money managers to manage the assets based on the board approved Statement of Investment and Spending Policy. The endowment funds are invested to fulfill the NCCF’s central purpose: to be consistently responsive to the current and changing charitable needs of northern Chautauqua County, both now and in the future.
The overall investment objective is to meet the payout requirements, cover annual expenses, and keep the portfolio at least even with inflation to perpetuate the endowed funds. Over time, your contribution should increase in value. The pooled investments are broadly diversified across asset classes and styles to enhance investment results in all market environments.
The NCCF’s investment performance consistently exceeds those of similarly sized foundations.
NCCF administers a diverse collection of scholarships for all types of students, including those attending universities, community colleges, trade schools, and non-traditional students. For a complete list of our scholarships, please visit INSERT HYPERLINK
Please read all directions first! Complete the application for each scholarship that interests you, and make sure you meet the specific scholarship requirements. Closely follow the application instructions. Several scholarships direct you to submit to your Counseling or Guidance Office; others instruct you to submit via email or mail to NCCF. You must meet submission deadlines. Remember to read the directions closely.
Applications are reviewed, and awardees are selected by the NCCF Scholarship Committee, the Scholarship Review Committee at your high school, or an outside review committee.
Documentation requirements are listed on each scholarship application. Some require reference letters or grade records, but this varies. Documentation is usually submitted electronically, but it may also be given to your Counseling or Guidance Department, or arrangements may be made to bring it to the NCCF office.
Deadlines vary but are very important. Refer to each scholarship’s application guidelines for specific due dates.
This varies. See the scholarship application for specifics. It is very important to follow all directions in your award letter. Promptly submit the required documentation, including your College Enrollment Verification form. Sign the agreement that you will use the scholarship award for education-related purposes only. You must provide transcripts for renewable scholarships.
Once you receive a scholarship check, please cash it promptly to avoid missing a deadline and losing the award. You may incur canceled check fees for lost or uncashed checks.
You are required to notify our office immediately.
Awards are taxable if you do not complete a signed statement on the online form (a link to this form will be provided in your award letter), which verifies that your award will only be used for education-related purposes.