Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation (NCCF) invites middle and high school teachers in northern Chautauqua County school districts to apply for a grant through NCCF’s Service Learning Mini-Grant Program. Service learning combines meaningful community service with traditional instruction, enriching the learning experience and promoting civic responsibility. Funding for this program is available on a competitive basis for projects that promote service learning to middle and high school level students. Individual grants of up to $500 are available.
For the 2015-2016 school year, 17 grants were awarded in 6 school districts. Classrooms from all disciplines participate in this program: social studies, music, English, art, trades and many more. As an example, Special Education students learned life skills while supporting local charities. Applications for the next round of grants are due to NCCF by May 20, 2016. The committee will review all applications and announce the awards in mid-June 2016.
NCCF is excited about the continued success of the Service Learning Mini-Grants Program and encourages teachers in northern Chautauqua County to participate. Diane Eades, Brocton Central School, sums up this program when she states that “The Community Foundation grants have enabled the Brocton School District to help others in our community. Our students are learning that when you help others, you are also helping yourself.” For an application and to learn more about this program visit our website at, call the office at 716-366-4892 or send an e-mail to