Recycle for Earth Day and NCCF’s Environmental Fund

Recycle for Earth Day and NCCF’s Environmental Fund

You can now easily contribute your can and bottle refunds to a program that provides environmental education right here in our community.  As a result of the Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation’s (NCCF) partnership with Get Your Nickel Back Redemption Center, your refunds can be added to the Northern Chautauqua Environmental Fund, where they will be used to fund projects that promote environmental education, particularly as it relates to Lake Erie and its watershed.  When you visit the shop, simply tell the cashier that you would like for your refund to go to the Northern Chautauqua Environmental Fund at the NCCF.

The Northern Chautauqua Environmental Fund awards grants on a yearly basis.  Examples of past awards include beach clean-ups, pond and creek studies, the annual Envirothon, essay contests and more.

Get Your Nickel Back owners, Jim Schulenberg and Marcus Promber are happy to announce that they will be commemorating Earth Day on Friday, April 22 by increasing the value of returnables for the day to 6 cents.  Get Your Nickel Back, located at 112-114 Main Street in Fredonia, is open Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

The NCCF encourages individuals and community groups to take advantage of this opportunity to recycle your cans and bottles while contributing to the Northern Chautauqua Environmental Fund.  For more on information on Environmental Grants or on ways the NCCF can promote your organization’s recycling/can drive, please contact Eileen Dunn at or 366-4892.

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