Bobseine Family and Friends Create Memorial Fund at NCCF

Bobseine Family and Friends Create Memorial Fund at NCCF

Family and friends of Oliver and Betty Bobseine have created a Memorial Fund in their honor at the Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation to benefit children attending SS. Peter and Paul School in Hamburg, N.Y. Their seven children are Michelle Emerling, Cynthia Bobseine, Marcie Cocina, Wendy Conway, Michael Bobseine, Greg Bobseine, and Timothy Bobseine.

Oliver Bobseine, affectionately known as “Ollie,” grew up in Collins Center, N.Y. Betty Bobseine, a one-time Eder, grew up in North Collins, N.Y. and her family later moved to Hamburg. They both came from farming families who endured the hardships of the Great Depression. Ollie enlisted in the U.S. Army and served in the Pacific Theatre during World War II. Upon his return, he converted to Catholicism in order to marry Betty. The two wed in 1947 at Betty’s parish, SS. Peter and Paul R.C. Church.

Ollie and Betty made Hamburg their home and sent all of their children to SS. Peter and Paul School from kindergarten to 8th grade. The parish and the school were the family’s social community center for their entire lifetime. The two contributed their time, energy and resources to support the parish and school until their deaths. Betty died in November 2012 and Ollie in June of 2015, on Betty’s 92nd birthday. Ollie and Betty cherished their 65 years together. In addition to their children, Ollie and Betty enjoyed 17 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.

In recognizing the significance of the SS. Peter and Paul Church and School in their parents’ lives, their children and Ollie and Betty’s friends created the Oliver and Betty Bobseine Memorial Fund. This fund continues their long-time support for parochial education through the SS. Peter and Paul Tuition Angel Fund that provides tuition assistance to families with financial hardships. The Memorial Fund will make its initial annual gift to the Tuition Angel Fund in July 2017.

The community is invited to contribute to the Oliver and Betty Bobseine Memorial Fund by contacting the Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation at 212 Lake Shore Drive West, Dunkirk, NY 14048. For questions concerning this fund or additional information on the NCCF, call 716-366-4892 or e-mail

The NCCF, celebrating 30 years of charitable leadership, is committed to improving the community through the promotion of local philanthropy, strategic grantmaking, and community leadership.  Served by a small staff and governed by an all-volunteer board of directors, the organization has distributed over $11.7 million in the form of grants and scholarships within the community.  Truly community in nature, the NCCF is an organization created by and for the people of northern Chautauqua County.  For more information, visit

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