NCCF Upcoming Grant Programs

NCCF Upcoming Grant Programs

The Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation reminds the community of the due dates for four upcoming grant programs.

The Neighborhood Pride Challenge (NPC) applications are due by February 17. This program was created to inspire individuals, neighborhoods, and entire communities to develop innovative projects to revitalize their neighborhoods while enhancing community partnerships. The grant application and a complete list of guidelines are available on the NCCF website at

Community Pride Program Letters of Interest are due on March 1. This program was created in 1997 to support clean, attractive neighborhoods, well-maintained parks, signage, and other projects that promote pride in northern Chautauqua County.

Also due on March 1 is the Community Grants Program. This is a biannual program that addresses the most pressing and immediate needs within northern Chautauqua County.

Letters of Interest for the Community Pride and Community Grants Program are due to the NCCF office by 4 p.m. on March 1. Additional information regarding these two programs is available on NCCF’s website at

The Service Learning Mini-Grant Program’s applications are due on May 26. Middle and high school teachers in northern Chautauqua County school districts are encouraged to apply for grants that combine meaningful community service with traditional instruction, enriching the learning experience and promoting civic responsibility. Additional information and application are available online at

Assistance is available for any of the above grant programs by contacting the office by phone at 716-366-4892 or by e-mail at

The NCCF, incorporated in 1986, is a tax-exempt charitable organization.  Since its establishment, the NCCF has distributed more than $12.9 million in the community through its various grant programs.  It is an organization inherently committed to enriching the northern Chautauqua community and encouraging local philanthropy.  For more information on the NCCF, visit or call 716-366-4892.

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