Local School Districts Benefit from Flapjacks

Local School Districts Benefit from Flapjacks

The board, staff, and volunteers at the Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation thank everyone who came out on March 23 to our record-breaking Applebee’s Flapjack Breakfast Fundraiser! We successfully raised over $2,400 to support our Service Learning Mini-Grant Program. Grants awarded from this program support middle and high school teachers in all northern Chautauqua County school districts by encouraging them to promote community service in the classroom.

Our 20 volunteers served up over 200 plates of flapjacks! However, our basket raffle seems to be as big a draw as the food. Thanks to our generous sponsors, there were over 40 baskets in this year’s raffle.

The Lakeshore Humane Society was also a winner thanks to Nicole Dobek who chose the organization to receive her $100 Be a Philanthropist grant.

Many thanks to our board, committee members and volunteers who gave up their Saturday morning to help us out – Helen Baran, Michael Bobseine, Kathy Brinkman, Peter Clark, Sylvester Cleary, Kitty Crow, Nancy Adams Fry, Patty Hammond, Danielle Marx, Alex Murphy, Matt Murphy, Michelle Paden, Gina Paradis, and David Travis.

We want to give a very special thank you to the Fredonia Middle School students in the Service Learning Club for volunteering this year. We appreciated their hard work and enthusiasm – Jack Tuccio, Andrew Kinney, Dean Hemenger, Katherine Fortna, Andrew Cowan, Sydnee Hoffman, Lucy Prevet, Cooper Stenger, and advisor Lisa Forbes.

See you next year on Saturday, March 21, 2020!

The NCCF, incorporated in 1986, is a tax-exempt charitable organization.  Since its establishment, the NCCF has distributed more than $14 million in the community through its various grant programs.  It is an organization inherently committed to enriching the northern Chautauqua community and encouraging local philanthropy.  For more information on the NCCF, visit www.nccfoundation.org or call 716-366-4892.

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