**Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic the BLOOM Garden Recognition Project has been cancelled for 2020.

**Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic the BLOOM Garden Recognition Project has been cancelled for 2020.

The Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation is seeking interested north county municipalities to bring BLOOM to their communities! Established in 2019, the BLOOM Project returns this year to acknowledge and celebrate residents who contribute beauty to the northern Chautauqua region through their gardens and landscaping.

The overall goal of the project is to encourage communities to contribute to a more beautiful region and to say thank you for the color and character that garden stewards bring to our neighborhoods.  By publicly acknowledging homeowners and renters who contribute to the curb appeal of our neighborhoods, we inspire others to join forces for a more vibrant northern Chautauqua region.

“Thanks to the positive response from our 2019 community partners, NCCF is excited to announce that the BLOOM Project will continue in 2020,” says Eileen Ardillo, Program Coordinator. “We invite all north county communities to join us in celebrating the vibrancy of our region while igniting community pride for all our citizens.”

NCCF is seeking interested north county municipalities who would like to bring the BLOOM Project to their communities! Eligible partners include civic organizations, garden clubs, chambers of commerce, neighborhood revitalization groups, municipalities, and similar organizations.  Collaboration among several partners/groups is encouraged.

The community teams will survey all front yards within their municipality July 6 – 27, 2020, identifying those who deserve recognition. Those identified will receive a BLOOM 2020 yard sign and be entered into the raffle drawing.

Interested community partners are encouraged to submit a Letter of Interest by March 13, 2020, to the NCCF at 212 Lake Shore Drive West, Dunkirk, NY 14048.  Details on what to include in the letter and the requirements to participate can be found at www.nccfoundation.org/bloom or by calling the NCCF at 716-366-4892.

A Bloom Program Information Session will be held at the NCCF on Wednesday, February 24, from 12 to 1 p.m. Interested groups can make arrangements for individual meeting times.  Eileen Ardillo, NCCF Program Coordinator, is available to answer any questions at the phone number above or at eardillo@nccfoundation.org.

The NCCF, incorporated in 1986, is a tax-exempt charitable organization.  Since its establishment, the NCCF has distributed more than $16 million in the community through its various grant programs.  It is an organization inherently committed to enriching the northern Chautauqua community and encouraging local philanthropy.  For more information on the NCCF, visit www.nccfoundation.org or call 716-366-4892.

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