NCCF Presents the Footprints Award during 35th Annual Meeting and Reception

NCCF Presents the Footprints Award during 35th Annual Meeting and Reception

On Monday, June 14th, Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation was thrilled to present the George B. Weaver Jr. Footprints Award to Kathy and Peter George. The Georges accepted the award during the Annual Meeting, which was held virtually via Zoom. Following the meeting, a reception was held at the RED House in Cassadaga, during which Board President Rick Ketcham presented a gift to the Georges and a certificate commemorating the award. For more information about the Georges and to watch their video, produced and sponsored by Kranky Plate Productions, visit the Footprints Award page. The video features their friends and colleagues and highlights their philanthropy and community service.

The Annual Meeting serves as a review of the previous year’s operations. In 2020, NCCF received 937 individual gifts, a total of $1.7 million in contributions. 16 new funds were established throughout the year. NCCF invested $1.3 million back into the community in 2020, benefitting 102 individual organizations. 287 scholarships were given out to local students in northern Chautauqua County.

The meeting also featured the approval of new and returning Board and Voting Members of NCCF. Kelly Brown, Gail Miller, Jessica Gugino, Kyle Leikam, Donna Metzger, Wilfred Rosas, Monica Simpson, and Doug Stock were approved to continue their voting memberships. John Farrell, Cindy Flaherty, Roberto Fred, Rick Klisiewicz, Miriam Lugo-Alfaro, Don McCord, Nicki Nearhoof, Chris Rodriguez, Michele Starwalt-Woods, and Rhonda Thompson were approved as new Voting Members. Josiah Lamp was approved as a new member of the Board of Directors.

Rich Ryan was also recognized during the reception for his years of dedication to NCCF. Rich served ten years on the Board of Directors and has served on many volunteer committees, most notably as chair of the Development Committee.

A special thank you to Amanda, Nancy, and Steve Wickmark for their donation of the venue for the reception.

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