Thank you for a successful Give 716 campaign!

Thank you for a successful Give 716 campaign!

Recently, NCCF was a participant in the inaugural Give 716, an online day of giving hosted by the Buffalo Bills and Buffalo Sabres Foundations, to benefit nonprofits throughout Western New York. The day was an incredible success overall, raising $1.1 million for the charities involved. NCCF saw 133 gifts from 121 individual donors, totaling $6,388. Additionally, NCCF was selected as the winner of a $500 grant from the two hosting Foundations.

We are thankful for the support that was shown to us throughout the event, from both new and recurring donors. All donations received through Give 716 will be added to our Community Benefit Funds. Our Community Benefit Funds are unrestricted in use, allowing us maximum flexibility to immediately address the needs of the community as they arise.

Our sincere thanks go out to the hosts and sponsors of Give 716, and especially to those who contributed to NCCF and/or helped to spread the word. Together, we can make a difference in our community!

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