Local Economic Development Committee Updates

Local Economic Development Committee Updates

In recent months the NCCF Local Economic Development committee (LED) has continued to monitor the pulse of economic development efforts in the county. In addition to participating in and providing expertise to Chautauqua County Partnership for Economic Growth (CCPEG) workgroups, LED members continued to educate themselves and the community and advocate for fresh ideas and initiatives to improve the local economy.

Members and guests recently learned more about the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) from Matt Bourke, Chautauqua County Senior Planner. The LWRP is a Department of State program that helps areas develop a waterfront plan and vision through regional cooperation. An LWRP plan has the potential to attract development and grant funding. Locally there are nine participating communities along Northern Chautauqua County lakefronts and waterways. Phase 1 was completed in 2015. Work on Phase 2 will include re-engaging with all nine communities and providing assistance to any that may need to adopt new local laws to progress further.

As communities worldwide face many health care challenges, from the pandemic to supply chain issues to staffing shortages, the LED keeps abreast of what is going on locally in health care. That has included learning more about the history, services, and current status of the Chautauqua Center (TCC) from Rebecca Ruiz, Chief Operations Officer. TCC operates Federally Qualified Health Care Centers in both Dunkirk and Jamestown. A new state-of-the-art Jamestown facility opened in mid-2019, and another is currently under construction at the corner of 3rd Street and Park Avenue in Dunkirk. The new Dunkirk facility will house medical, dental, behavioral health, and pharmacy services under one roof, plus a community kitchen, conference, and training rooms. Space will be available to rent for permanent offices or temporary use. The Dunkirk building is projected to be completed by February 2022.

The LED committee also regularly educates the public and advocates for economic development in newspaper op-eds. Recent topics have included discussing the value of public-private partnerships, the difference between governance and administration in local governments, and the boost craft breweries, distilleries, and wineries can bring to local economies.

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