Gifts of Appreciated Stock
Before you reach for your checkbook to make a gift to support the campaign for northern Chautauqua, consider giving highly-appreciated stock.
Appreciated stock is frequently a far more advantageous gift to charity than giving cash. When you make a gift of shares to NCCF, you’ll typically be eligible for a charitable deduction at the shares’ fair market value on the date of the gift. Plus, NCCF is a charity and therefore won’t owe capital gains tax on the sale of the shares, leaving the full fair market value available for NCCF’s mission. By contrast, if you sold the shares yourself and gave the proceeds to NCCF, you’d owe capital gains tax. This can be a big hit if you’ve held the shares for many years and they have a low basis.
Please contact NCCF to learn more about how you can use your appreciated stock to support the future of our region.

Pledge Your Support
Throughout the campaign, NCCF is accepting pledges of support with flexible payment terms available. Your pledge can include a cash gift or other type of current gift, a future planned gift, or both. You may download and return the pledge form, and we will be in touch, or contact us for more information:
Diane Hannum, Executive Director
Leslie Wille, Community Engagement Coordinator