Leave a Legacy

When you make plans to leave a gift to the Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation in your will and trust, you are making an investment in the future of our region that will help improve the quality of life for generations to come.

When you work with the NCCF team and your advisors to establish a bequest, you’ll be invited to join the Bequest Society of Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation.

We’re happy to explore a wide range of “planned gifts”–which simply refers to arrangements you’ve made to leave money to charity following your death. They can take many forms, including bequests in a will or trust, beneficiary designations on retirement accounts or life insurance policies, and charitable trusts.

Charitable bequests are a popular type of planned gifts. You can work with your advisors and the NCCF team to incorporate language in your will or trust to leave a specific dollar amount or portion of your estate to The Community Fund at NCCF.

You can also name the NCCF as a beneficiary of all or a part of your retirement plan accounts or a life insurance policy.

The NCCF team would love to work with you to establish a bequest as your gift to the campaign for northern Chautauqua. Contact us today to learn more.

father embracing his young daughter

Pledge Your Support

Throughout the campaign, NCCF is accepting pledges of support with flexible payment terms available. Your pledge can include a cash gift or other type of current gift, a future planned gift, or both. You may download and return the pledge form, and we will be in touch, or contact us for more information:

Diane Hannum, Executive Director dhannum@nccfoundation.org
Leslie Wille, Community Engagement Coordinator