Dr. Raja S. Gopalan Registered Nursing Scholarship Applications Due

The Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation (NCCF) announces that the Dr. Raja S. Gopalan Registered Nursing Scholarship Fund, established at NCCF in 2011, is currently accepting applications until April 1, 2020. To date, this fund has awarded six scholarships totaling $6,000.

Brooks Memorial Hospital (BMH) and TLC Health Network (TLC) employees pursuing a Registered Nursing degree are eligible for this award. Family members may also apply. Students must complete an application form, submit a brief essay outlining their goals and reasons for pursuing this degree, and provide two (2) letters of recommendation. Motivation, work ethic, and financial priority are the criteria used in the award selection; however, those continuing their career at BMH or TLC will receive special consideration.

Applications for this scholarship are due to Human Resources at BMH or TLC by April 1, 2020. The form is available online at www.nccfoundation.org/gopalan-scholarship or Human Resources at BMH or TLC.

To learn more about this scholarship and others available through NCCF, visit the website at www.nccfoundation.org/scholarships-home, send an e-mail to NCCF’s Scholarship Coordinator, Victoria Howell, vhowell@nccfoundation.org or call 716-366-4892.

The NCCF, incorporated in 1986, is a tax-exempt charitable organization.  Since its establishment, the NCCF has distributed more than $15.5 million in the community through its various grant programs.  It is an organization inherently committed to enriching the northern Chautauqua community and encouraging local philanthropy.  For more information on the NCCF, visit www.nccfoundation.org or call 716-366-4892.