Donate to the Live Like Luca Endowment Fund

 Luca’s Story

On January 11, 2020, Luca Calanni passed away due to complications from the flu. But Luca was much more than just a flu-related statistic. He was a bright, caring and outgoing boy who loved sports, his friends, and helping others. Let's remember Luca how he lived: with passion, enthusiasm, and kindness.

Take Action

Help us work to fulfill Luca’s bucket list and give all kids the chance to lead as full a life as he did. The Luca S. Calanni Foundation celebrates the life and legacy of Luca Calanni by following his example of kindness and caring. Our mission is to help all children experience the joys of participating in sports, camps, the arts and other activities that made Luca’s light shine bright.

Learn more.